Hi!!  I spent most of Fri, all Sat and most of Sun over at Steph's this past weekend. Had a great time! We got her back new fence painted and some sensor lights installed in the front and back of the house.

We also went through a lot of boxes stored in her garage both of ours, and threw somethings away, bagged some things to go to good will, and consolidated the rest into less boxes and restored them to make room for her lawn equipment and her truck for this summer. Wore ourselves out on Saturday.

But we went to 'Sylvia's' Mexican for dinner and had my favorite "Three Mini-tacos". They are fabulous! Steph had an enchilada and a taco with rice and beans.  Everything is so good!.

Then on Sunday we went to Ihop for breakfast at noon, then to the dollar store to get much needed stuff Ha!! Mainly paper products, batteries, books for Aiden and fiddle faddles. They are over $3 at a regular store for a box....$1 at the dollar store [carmel corn with peanuts].