I wasn't online yesterday because I am in Gilbert for a few days. I came over to Teresa and Rick's to house and cat sit because they are spending a 3 day getaway up in a cabin in north AZ for their anniversary.

They have had a time with their dog Daisy being unable to walk etc. A vet sent them to a specialist in Phx that said there wasn't much they would be able to do to help them....possible ear infection that may have spread to her brain.....so they had to have her put down. It was very hard on them. Daisy was around 10 yrs old now and had ear infection problems for the last few years but meds seemed to control it some but not get rid of it.

So this weekend may be able to help them to adjust before having to go back to work next week.  She was a 130 lb rot.  This is the only picture I have of her at this moment. It gives you an idea how big she was.   We will miss you big girl!!