I took most of 4 days and went over to Teresa and Rick's to spend some time with them and the little ones.
It is always so much fun but come back sooo tired! And I really don't do anything but enjoy the kids. I didn't know Teresa had taken a picture of me with the boys.  It's a good thing I had a shirt on under that robe or I would have be in bad shape...HA!  We ordered Chinese take out and went and got it, took it back to the house. Devin, Kenzie and Roe were over Friday evening and we didn't want to cook.

I guess Megan had to go to work before Corye got home on Saturday morning so she dropped Taylee and Aiden off early, of course I had no time to even get dressed. I was still in my pjs and had put Teresa's robe on. I"m not sure if and when I got dressed on Saturday.  Later after they left Teresa, Rick and I went over to a BarBQ joint and had dinner. I was dressed then

Joe came over on Sunday.  Then Teresa made a new hot dish receipe and salad. Steph came over also with Star and Corye and Aiden came over. Corye did an oil change on the car for me. Megan had taken Taylee with her over to her parents for a while.

And on Mondays when I leave Teresa and Rick's I go over to Pearl and Lynn's and spend the day with them.  Pearl and I went over to a little cafe called 'Fran's Place' because they serve potato dumplings in the mornings.  We got there about 11:30 and they were out of them before one.  They were good but they use a grain type flour and boil them in ham stock so they were a bit salty, but using plenty of maple syrup and butter cut that some. They served 2 good sized dumplings with a huge slice of ham.  Then we went back to their house and chatted, had ice cream and cookies later and after the sun went down I headed back to the ranch.

I have been doing this once a month and have really enjoyed it. One more month and Pearl and Lynn will be leaving for back home. Will have a chance one more time.