Our tax money goes towards some pretty ridiculous things. Here's a compilation of some of the MOST outrageous.

1 – $384,949 spent on a federal study that looks at ‘‘Plasticity in Duck Penis Length.‘ Wait, it gets better.

2 – $1 million to New York to put up some road signs telling drivers they are spending money … on road projects. It gets better.

3 – $15,000 to an “artist” so he could build a model home out of cardboard… and then burn it down. Remember, this is your money.

4 – $3.4 million of your taxpayer dollars to the state of Florida for an underground turtle tunnel… Can’t have enough of those.

5 – $1.4 billion of your money paid for the Obama family housing, flying, and entertainment.When does Beyonce come to my place? 

6 – $386,000 of taxpayer money went towards studying the effects of massage therapy on rabbits. Cats just fired their lobbyist.

7 – $1 million for the State Department to buy a sculpture of a granite block… made up of smaller granite blocks. Important people make these decisions.

8 – $835,000 for a General Services Administration conference in Las Vegas that included clowns and mind readers. Nothing too good for our government workers.

9 – $50 million of your money for IRS conferences from 2010 to 2012, including a $14 million conference in sunny California.. Might bring that up if you’re audited.

10 – And $398,990 of your money to conduct a study to see if “Tea Partiers” are dumb. Well, obviously, when compared to Washington.